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This course is designed to acquaint students with various methods of observation
needed to determine the presence of Hazardous Materials in the work place.
Also, it is a prerequisite to our 40-Hour
Hazardous Waste Worker Program for those students who do not meet the prerequisite
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Open Enrollment Seminars
This class is not scheduled for any upcoming seminars. It is available for On-Site
Training; call or E-mail us to schedule a seminar.
Optionally, you can purchase the On-Site Training Seminar Kit below.
Course Regulation
This course is designed to acquaint students with various methods of observation needed to determine the presence of Hazardous Materials in the work place.
29 CFR 1910.120:
All employees working on site (such as but not limited to equipment operators,
general laborers and others) exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards,
or safety hazards and their supervisors and management responsible for the site
shall receive training meeting the requirements of
this paragraph before they are permitted to engage in hazardous waste operationss
that could expose them to hazardous substances, safety, or health hazards, and
they shall receive review training as specified in this paragraph.
General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and
supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other
activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances
and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40
hours of instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days actual field
experience under the direct supervision of a trained experienced supervisor.
Workers on site only occasionally for a specific limited task (such as, but not
limited to, ground water monitoring, land surveying, or geophysical surveying)
and who are unlikely to be exposed over permissible exposure limits and published
exposure limits shall receive a minimum of 24 hours of
instruction off the site, and the minimum of one day actual field experience
under the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor.
Workers regularly on site who work in areas which have been monitored and fully
characterized indicating that exposures are under permissible exposure limits
and published exposure limits where respirators are not necessary, and the
characterization indicates that there are no health hazards or the possibility
of an emergency developing, shall receive a minimum
of 24 hours of instruction off the site, and the minimum of one day actual field
experience under the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor.
Workers with 24 hours of training who are covered by paragraphs (e)(3)(ii)
and(e)(3)(iii) of this section, and who become general site workers or who are
required to wear respirators, shall have the additional
16 hours and two days of training necessary to total the training specified
in paragraph (e)(3)(i).
It is also a prerequisite to our 40-Hour Hazardous Waste Worker.
The Following Topics are Covered in this Course
- Regulatory Overview
- Emergency Response Guidebook
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Basic Site Control Procedures
- Decontamination Procedures
- Hazardous Material Terminology
- Course Review And Final Test
Other Course Options
On-Site Training
New Environment, Inc. offers On-Site Training for this course,
call or E-mail
us to schedule this course.
Individual Products
Instructor Materials
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4-Hour Basic Safety Training - Lesson Plan
The Following Topics are Covered by this Course
- Regulatory Overview
- Emergency Response Guidebook
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Basic Site Control Procedures
- Decontamination Procedures
- Hazardous Material Terminology
- Course Review And Final Test
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4-Hour Basic Safety - PowerPoint

Fully editable PowerPoint presentation for 4-Hour Basic Safety Training
Student Materials
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4-Hour Basic Safety - Student Classroom Material
Student Material Includes:
- Student Background Survey
- Student Classroom Workbook
- 20 Question Test
- Certificate Of Completion*
- Participant Evaluation Form
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DOT Emergency Response Guidebook
This Guidebook is primarily a guide to aid first responders in quickly identifying the
specific or generic hazards of the material(s) involved in the incident, and protecting
themselves and the general public during the initial response phase of the incident.
The Emergency Response Guidebook is updated every three to four years to accommodate new
products and technology.
Use this DOT-issued guidebook to help you satisfy DOT's requirement that Hazmat shipments
be accompanied by emergency response information (49 CFR Section 172.600).
View the 2024 Emergency Response Guidebook Summary of Changes from 2020.
Published by the U.S. Department of Transportation. 4"x5.25" Pocket Version